Crisis Response


Millions of people still die each year from infectious diseases that are preventable or can be treated.
Millions of people still die each year from infectious diseases that are preventable or can be treated.

Outbreaks of cholera, measles and yellow fever can spread rapidly and be fatal. Malaria is endemic in more than 100 countries. Millions are living with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Viral hemorrhagic diseases such as Ebola or Marburg are rarer but are potentially fatal.

The people at highest risk are mainly living in poverty or in areas of great instability, such as in armed conflict or during mass displacement, where living conditions are precarious, access to healthcare is limited, and vaccination coverage is low.

Reacting swiftly once an outbreak is identified will ensure that the number of people at risk is quickly reduced and can significantly impact the number of people falling ill and those dying. Engaging in advocacy to support access to treatment, as in the case of HIV/AIDS and TB, is crucial in pushing for effective responses.

MSF teams all over the world are currently responding to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Niger, Cholera

Supporting Nigerien health authorities in containing the cholera epidemic

Latest News 17 Sep 2021
A picture of Bhelekazi Mdlalose and another MSF staff member doing COVID-19  health promotion in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Immediate equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines is critical for Southern Africa and the world to prevent more suffering and death

Press Release 17 Feb 2021
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Zimbabwe, Cervical cancer & HIV

MSF hands over HIV and cervical cancer project in rural Zimbabwe to Health Ministry

Press Release 29 Sep 2020

Ebola in DRC: “We hope this vaccine will give us more options for future outbreaks”

Press Release 13 Nov 2019
A health worker being disinfected with chlorine at the Ebola treatment center

Surviving Ebola: Statement from MSF Dr Craig Spencer

Patient and Staff Stories 11 Nov 2014

MSF aid worker recovers from Ebola

Press Release 11 Nov 2014