
Burden sharing or burden shifting?

Published ahead of the Global Fund’s 6th replenishment conference in Lyon (France, 8-10 October 2019), the report states that the recent decline in international funding and the rapid shifting of the financial burden to affected countries is in danger of reversing lifesaving gains and causing an ‘epidemic rebound’ in some countries.

It documents how international funding shortfalls and insufficient domestic resources availability are already causing wide-ranging gaps in HIV and TB diagnosis, prevention and care services; stockouts of essential medicines; and are threatening programmes targeting people with specific needs, such as migrants and people with advanced HIV.

The report also highlights how countries – even the most vulnerable ones – are being put under pressure to swiftly mobilize additional resources for HIV and TB within restricted budgets and with insufficient donor funding.

Based on analyses in 9 countries, the report calls on donor countries to urgently reverse the recent decline in HIV and TB funding and to adapt their approach to the challenges facing their partner countries, now and in the coming years.

Report: Burden sharing or burden shifting? pdf — 5.63 MB

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