In Jordan, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) offers a comprehensive package of care to war-wounded patients requiring reconstructive surgery.

Refugees endure extremely limited access to healthcare in Jordan. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic downturn in the country have significantly affected Jordanians and refugees alike.

Our reconstructive surgery hospital in Amman treats war-wounded patients and victims of violence coming from countries such as Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. The hospital provides life-changing reconstructive surgery for those inflicted with burns, gun shots and other war injuries, while also providing physiotherapy and mental health support.

In addition, our teams provide medical consultations for non-communicable diseases (NCD) in Irbid and Ramtha, northern Jordan. We also deliver NCD medication to people on a daily basis through home visits, while mental health consultations are carried out in-clinic or remotely.

Our activities in Jordan in 2023

 Data and information from the International Activity Report 2023.

MSF IN JORDAN IN 2023 Doctors Without Borders (MSF) runs a reconstructive surgery programme in Jordan, offering a comprehensive package of care to war-wounded patients from across the Middle East.
MSF in Jordan 2023

Initially opened as a consequence of the Iraq War in 2006, the MSF hospital in Amman has over the years also admitted patients from Syria, Yemen and Palestine, offering specialised healthcare that was unavailable in their home countries.

It has grown into a regional hub for the treatment of patients with complicated, life-changing injuries, offering surgical and rehabilitative care for gunshot wounds, as well as orthopaedic trauma, burns and other conflict-related injuries. Our holistic approach to care includes physiotherapy and mental health support.

In 2023, we continued to develop our regional outreach to facilitate follow-up consultations and continued physiotherapy for patients in their home countries, after discharge from the hospital. MSF collaborates closely with local healthcare providers, offering technical assistance, training and medical supplies to bolster healthcare capacity.

IN 2023

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