MSF, Doctors Without Borders, eThekwini, KZN floods

Climate emergency


The health impacts of a changing climate are already a burden for many people in the world, including those we assist.

The climate emergency is a public health crisis, and it’s increasingly impacting communities that are the least equipped to handle it.

We work in some of the most climate-vulnerable settings in the world, responding to many of the world’s most urgent crises – conflictnatural disastersdisease outbreaks, and displacement. These are settings where people already lack access to, or are excluded from, basic healthcare. 

Existing scientific evidence points out that we will be seeing further rising temperatures and sea levels, and more frequent and intense extreme weather events.


Climate change affects all of us

Climate change - or the climate emergency - affects all of us, in direct and indirect ways. It impacts diseases such as malaria and malnutrition, and can contribute to conflict and displacement. The climate crisis is also a health and humanitarian crisis.

In numbers

90% of deaths caused by weather, climate and water-related disaster from 1970 to 2021 occurred in developing countries. These people are also the least responsible for the emissions that generate climate change. But the climate emergency aggravates some humanitarian crises and their subsequent healthcare consequences, which impact on people in these vulnerable settings the most.

What are we seeing and doing?

A lot of the consequences of climate change – floods, drought, severe storms – are not new problems. But the climate emergency is causing an intensification of these events, both in severity and frequency. We were already responding to the fallout from these extreme weather events, but we anticipate that they will get worse in the years to come.

What are we doing to mitigate our impact?

In late 2020, the highest-ranking MSF bodies – including the International Board – signed The Environmental Pact. The pact is a recognition of the environmental impact of our humanitarian duties – which is still essential to carrying out our work – yet is also a commitment to adapt our activities to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Measures to achieve this are now incorporated in all main MSF entities’ strategic or action plans from 2021 onwards, including mechanisms for accountability.

We are working to ensure an efficient and socially responsible supply chain, in order to reduce, reuse and recycle medical materials and equipment. For example, in Uganda, we have launched a project to replace the millions of plastic bags we use each year to distribute medicines, with ecologically sustainable bags using local resources made by local communities. We are also reducing medical waste in our hospitals and clinics, including exploring options to move away from single-use products where appropriate.

We are developing new energy solutions, such as using solar panels to power some of our medical activities, as well as innovative approaches that respond to the environments we work in. For example, in Pakistan, we installed solar panel systems at the facilities we support in Dera Murad Jamali, Chaman, and Kuchlak, all in the country’s Balochistan province. Supplemented by grid or generator electricity, these systems provide uninterrupted power for lighting, air conditioning, fans, and water pumping and cooling.

We are reducing our international travel by air, for example attending meetings or workshops virtually rather than in person. We are also sourcing medical supplies closer to the places where we work. These changes have also accelerated because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international freight and personnel travel.

MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Climate emergency, flooding in South Sudan
This crisis of solidarity is giving way to a crisis of morality. Stephen Cornish, Director-General of MSF Switzerland
Access to Healthcare

The triple threat of climate change, conflict, and health emergencies: A deadly mix for the most vulnerable in fragile settings