Contact Us
Johannesburg Office

Physical Address:
9th Floor, 70 Fox Street, Marshalltown,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Postal Address:
PO Box 61624,
MSF Scam Alert!
MSF Southern Africa has received a growing number of inquiries from people about individuals contacting them on online dating platforms or social media with claims of working with MSF abroad or locally requesting financial support for various reasons.
Here are some recommendations on what to do if you are a victim of scammers.

Media Contact
Media contacts and spokespeople
Welcome to MSF Southern Africa’s Press Room, which is aimed at media covering issues related to medical humanitarian relief and those who are interested in MSF's work and the situations faced by our patients.
Our communications staff are in contact with MSF international mobile staff in over 60 countries, including South Africa, and are here to help the media tell these stories.
We can provide media with up-to-date information and interviews with MSF fieldworkers and spokespeople in our operational headquarters and field projects on the following topics:
- Emergency responses to natural and man-made disasters
- Humanitarian assistance in conflict zones
- Migrant and refugee health and vulnerability around healthcare
- Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), including multi drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensive drug-resistance TB (XDR-TB)
- Malnutrition
- Issues of access to essential medicines
- Sexual and gender-based violence
Follow us on Twitter: @MSF_southafrica
Jane Rabothata, Communications Specialist:
Mobile: +27 71 287 3613
Email: jane.rabothata@joburg.msf.org
Nkosi Mahlangu, Communications Specialist:
Mobile: +27 82 924 8454
Email: nkosi.mahlangu@joburg.msf.org
For general inquiries:
Email: DL-JNB-Joburg-Press@joburg.msf.org
Read the latest news and resources

MSF International Blog
blogs.msf.orgRead stories from our staff as they carry out their work around the world.