Leadership accelerator: Baobab
Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

Leadership Accelerator

Cultivating versatility, strength and resilience in future MSF Southern African Leaders


At an international level, MSF has been on a journey to understand the gaps between the organisation's aspirations and its internal reality.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion were identified as a priority area to ensure that MSF reflects the values it espouses. Thus far, the pace of change has been slow but has since picked up following the testimonies of team members highlighting structural racism in the movement and challenging the institution to dismantle and rebuild its structures
MSF Southern Africa chose to move a racial justice agenda forward by surfacing the social, political and economic inequities based on race, naming racism as the problem and organising to eliminate the inequities of our Section. As a result, MSF Southern Africa began by identifying structural barriers to inclusion and developed working groups to create meaningful metrics and experiments to address these structural barriers.

Together we trust that the lessons learned will not just create transformational change in MSF Southern Africa but can support efforts to surface and address structural racism at a regional and global level in MSF.
The result is a multi-year roadmap to implement a collection of recommended changes that the Johannesburg and Cape Town offices will progressively lead and embed within the organisation.

Leadership accelerator: Baobab

MSF Baobab


One of the gamechangers and a key initiative to bring equitable opportunities to the future leadership of the MSF movement is our new Leadership Accelerator, recently renamed the “Baobab Leadership Accelerator”. Designed to spot and nurture talent from the region, the initiative will formally mentor a select pool of staff to increase their chances of taking up senior leadership positions across the global movement. 

Leadership accelerator

How will it work?

The Accelerator will recruit 9 potential leaders in 2 intakes each year. These will be made of the following:

• Three from the Section
• Three from the Regional Locally Hired Staff pool (LHS)
• Three from the Active pool of Regional International Mobile Staff (IMS)

who is eligible for the leadership accelerator programme?

Who is eligible?

Emerging leaders, new leaders, purpose-driven leaders and leaders who want to build inclusivity are all encouraged to apply.

Potential leaders must be currently employed by an MSF entity or be a member of the Regional IMS pool with a minimum of two years of MSF experience, including a minimum of 1-year management/supervisory experience. Only applicants from the Southern African region will be eligible. All potential leaders should be prepared to sign a 2-year moral agreement showing commitment to the programme and the organisation.

application process

Application process


Round 1 comprises the completion of an online application form together with a personal letter of motivation and two work-related reference letters.

Round 2 will include a face-to-face interview with the adjudication panel.

Submit your application for consideration to the Baobab Leadership Accelerator on or before the following deadlines:

Intake 1 – comprising of Section & Regional Locally Hired Staff (LHS) - Apply by 30 August 2024

Intake 2 – comprising of staff in the Active International Mobile pool (IMS) –  Apply by 6 September 2024

Apply Now

Meet the 2023 Cohort

After a rigorous application and selection process, we selected the following nine people who made up our 2023 cohort of potential leaders. They are currently on their leadership journeys acquiring valuable knowledge, expertise, and skills.  

Leadership Accelerator

leadership accelerator
Contact us

Please contact us for all queries, questions, or complaints.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each intake lasts a minimum of 12 months. The duration of the intake will also depend on the duration of any degree courses that the potential leader may enroll for.

We will endeavour to assist and support all potential leaders that have passed through the accelerator with the recruitment process. This includes drafting CVs, interview preparations and guidance throughout. We, unfortunately, cannot guarantee placement.

The accelerator will enroll you in appropriate courses/workshops at various partner institutions as per your personal development plan. You will receive the appropriate certification/accreditation upon completion of these from the institution and not the accelerator programme. 

Most definitely, the programme is open to all MSFSnA staff, Association members and project staff, irrespective of their profession. Refer to the info on “Who is Eligible”.

As we have a limited number of spaces in each intake, we urge you to only apply to the accelerator if you are extremely intent on completing the programme. All potential candidates will be requested to sign a 2-year moral agreement showing commitment to the organisation. Of course, we are aware that events beyond our control may prevent completion. We will look at these on a case-by-case basis as and when they arise.  

You will not need permission, but we urge you to discuss your possible application with your supervisor. Cooperation and support from supervisors will make the acceleration journey a more pleasant one for all parties.