Grandmother of MSF patient: Masy
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Legacy Giving

Remembering MSF Through a Gift in Your Will

Why consider leaving a gift for MSF?

The impact of your will can be far-reaching. It can provide for your loved ones, support causes close to your heart, ensure that your wishes are carried out, and make a difference in the world.

A gift left in your will also referred to as a “planned gift”, can be seen as a way to create your legacy. A planned gift is a lasting investment into Doctors Without Borders (MSF) that would enable us to advance our mission and continue to provide medical care to people caught in crisis, as we have been doing for more than 50 years.

Should you consider leaving a gift to MSF, our promise is to respect your right to privacy and to use your special gift wisely and effectively. We will steward your gift in the most impactful ways and, where possible, in the area or theme that is close to your heart; while working closely with your loved ones.

You have the power to save the lives of millions of people during your lifetime and by leaving a gift in your will to Doctors Without Borders. Your choice will guarantee the right to healthcare for everyone and help thousands of doctors working everywhere in the world provide free and quality medical care. 

Head of Philanthropy

MSF Legacy Giving

How to include MSF in your Will

Step 1 - Talk to your lawyer or other qualified practitioner to ensure that your will is valid and enforceable. 

Step 2 - Contact MSF about your wish and let us know how we can support you.

Step 3 - Name MSF in your will or any other formal designation (i.e Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières/MSF Southern Africa) so that you can support our mission. Take guidance provided under “Important MSF Information” below to ensure correct legacy donation. 

Step 4 - Inform your loved ones and/or the executor of your will to ensure that your wishes will be fulfilled according to your wishes. 

MSF is running a clinic in Zamzam camp, ~15km south east of El Fasher
Legacy Giving

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics or natural disasters worldwide.

Legacy gifts allow MSF to provide care when and where people need it most, regardless of race, religion, creed or political convictions.

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A planned gift is a lasting investment in Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), advancing our mission and ensuring our ability to provide medical aid to people caught in crisis, as we have done for more than 50 years.

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Important MSF Information

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa is a registered and accredited Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930025677) and Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 060-840) in South Africa and any donation to MSF is specifically exempted from donations tax as provided for in Article 30 Section 18A of the Income Tax Act. 

If you wish to add MSF in your Will, please make sure to include the following information -

  • Registered Name: Medecins Sans Frontieres Southern Africa (NPC)
  • Number: 2007/008324/08
  • NPO Number: 060-840
  • PBO Number: 930025677
  • VAT Number: 4890249974
  • Address: 9th Floor, 70 Fox Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg, 2107


Since 1971, we have been treating people affected by complex crises and chronic healthcare emergencies around the world.

By remembering Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa through a gift in your will, you are making a unique commitment to our humanitarian cause that makes a real difference in people’s lives. Your unique contribution, whatever the amount, is invaluable.

Moreover, deciding to include a charitable gift in your estate planning, can reduce or eliminate significant taxes payable upon your death. 

We promise to respect your right to privacy and to use your special gift wisely, effectively and, where possible, in the area or theme that is close to your heart. 

Gifts by will are one of MSF's most important sources of support. Unrestricted gifts give us the greatest flexibility to use funds where they are most needed.  

Examples of what you may leave MSF: 

  • A stated ZAR amount.
  • A percentage of your residual estate (what remains after gifts to loved ones and expenses have been paid).
  • A specific asset, such as securities or other marketable property.
  • Life insurance policies that are no longer needed for your family. 

This sample language may be useful:

" I (name) bequeath (the residue of my estate, or percentage of my estate, or a certain amount, etc.) to Doctors Without Borders Southern Africa, PBO 930025677 and NPO 060-840, and main place of business at 9th Floor, Zurich House, 70 Fox St, Marshalltown, Johannesburg, 2001, to be used at the sole discretion of Doctors Without Borders Southern Africa for its general charitable purposes." 

We hope you’ll let us know when you have named MSF in your will or trust, so that we can thank you personally and be aware of your impactful decision.  

Get in touch with Sam Nobubele Mkandhla, Head of Philanthropy and Partnerships MSF SA 

Circumstances can change and that’s okay. You can change your mind and your will at any time, by informing your lawyer or other qualified professional, who can effect any changes you wish to see in your will. 

While it is technically possible to express your wishes to this level of detail, it is unfortunately difficult to predict in advance where, in the future, we will need specific funding for our projects. Additionally, any currently open project could be closed by the time we take possession of the bequeathed assets. 

Wherever possible you should openly discuss your intentions with those who would be impacted by your Will, so that when the time comes it will not come as a surprise to them. This way, they can also get answers as to why you have chosen to make the decisions you have made and to come to terms with them if need be. It also means that there is less chance of your Will being contested, as hopefully people will understand and be comfortable with why you made a particular decision. If you feel that you cannot speak to your family, it is often helpful to discuss the reasons for the gift with the lawyer or other professional drafting the will so that they can make a note for the file.

Unfortunately, MSF Southern Africa can only assist you with adding us to your existing will by providing respective information and/or documentation.  

While making a Will is a simple and straightforward process that you can do yourself. We do, however, encourage you to get help from a lawyer. A lawyer can help you to understand your options and ensure that your will is valid and enforceable. Here are some tips for making a will: 

  • Be clear and concise in your wishes.
  • Be specific e.g., state exactly who you want to inherit your property and how you want it to be distributed. 
  • Use legal terms, that is why it would be useful to receive legal assistance or do legal research. 
  • Have your will reviewed by a lawyer or other qualified professional. This will help to ensure that it is valid and enforceable.