
ART Adherence Club report and toolkit

Piloted by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Khayelitsha, the award-winning ART Adherence Club model focuses on patient participation and peer support, for improved treatment adherence. This simple model allows patient groups to collect pre-packed, two-month supplies of treatment from lay health workers either at the clinic or outside of the clinic - whether at a local library or at a fellow patient's home.

ART Adherence Clubs give stable adherent HIV patients easier access to their treatment, while unclogging clinics and freeing up scarce nurses and doctors to manage new or at-risk HIV patients.

Today, the Cape Town Metro is home to more than 400 of these clubs as part of a partnership between MSF, the Western Cape Department of Health, Cape Town’s City Health and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

Art Adherence-club Report Toolkit pdf — 2.43 MB

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