Updates from the field
MSF has been providing support to affected communities in Central Sulawesi, with a 12-person team providing interventions. MSF has been delivering medical services to communities in South Dolo Sub district in Sigi District, Labuan; and Malei and Sindue Tambusambora Sub Districts in Donggala District since 13 October.

The medical team has been supporting the Puskesmas (community clinic) in its conduct of mobile clinics and in the provision of primary health care, as well as in the re-activation of vaccine services and data collection. As of 24 October, a total of 835 patients have been treated by MSF doctors and nurses. The Mental Health team has also provided psychological education for 6 Puskesmas affected in Palu. Likewise, 4 additional Puskesmas (in Tipo, Pantoloan, Bulili, and Talisei) have requested MSF to provide psychological support in their respective areas.
Meanwhile, the team is building a temporary Puskesmas in South Dolo as the current one has been badly damaged. The team is also preparing latrines and setting-up water points in West Dolo (Pesakuh Village).
All of these activities will continue up to week 47, which falls on 25 November. The closure of the intervention is estimated on the 30th of November.
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