KINSHASA - One case of Ebola has been confirmed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the Likati health zone of Bas Uele Province in the north of the Democratic Republic of Congo. A total of nine cases, including three deaths are so far being investigated.
On Saturday 13 May, in coordination with the ministry of health, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) sent a team of 14 staff to Likati in order to launch an emergency intervention, along with a team of 10 people of the Ministry of Health. The team will be made up of doctors, nurses, logisticians, water and sanitation experts, health promoters and an epidemiologist.
Along with organisations already present in the area, the MSF emergency team will conduct an assessment of the situation and may construct an Ebola treatment centre and help care for those suspected or confirmed to be affected by the virus. If required, MSF may also assist local health posts with the triage and referral of suspected Ebola patients, implement a mobile surveillance system and ensure that the hygiene procedures required to halt the spread of the virus are implemented across the affected area.
Fifteen tonnes of medical and logistical supplies will be sent by cargo plane from Kinshasa to allow the team to immediately begin their intervention in Likati.