Following the Tsunami and the earthquake that hit Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on Friday the 28 of September 2018, MSF deployed a local team of medical, logistic and water and sanitation specialists.
These people are in Palu to support the national authorities in assessing and prioritising key intervention area.
We will be looking at primarily geographical and technical areas. In technical areas, what we will be looking at is the primary health care facilities that are damaged and destroyed, secondary healthcare and facilities that might need more supply or technical support, also we are going to be looking at the supply of clean water as this is essential to reduce the spread of epidemics.

The team will also be focusing on mental health care, both to the traumatized population but also to the healthcare personnel, as these are, is key to providing some of the basic services needed by the affected population at the current moment.
MSF has been working in Indonesia since 1995.