According to the Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) as of 25 December, 14:00 hrs, a total of 16,082 people have now been displaced in the five districts affected by the tsunami – Pandeglang and Serang in Banten Province, and Lampung Selatan, Tanggamus, and Pesawaran in Lampung Province. There are now 429 deaths; 1,485 persons injured; and 154 persons missing. Damages include 882 houses, 73 hotels and villas, 60 culinary stalls, 434 boats, and around 65 vehicles.
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has mobilised three teams: one team is currently supporting the Carita Health Center; and the second team is supporting the Labuan Health Center. In both centres, MSF is augmenting the health personnel attending to the injured. There is a third team, which is mobile, visiting the various communities to treat injured patients who could not go to the hospitals/health centres. Case management being done by the MSF teams is ongoing, with severe cases being referred to hospitals.
- In Labuan, the MSF medical team stationed in the health centre to support the delivery of medical service to outpatients. To-date, the Labuan Health Center admitted 74 wounded and discharged 66 patients. A total of 8 patients have been referred to the hospital, and 9 bodies have been received. There are still many people currently visiting the centre to seek treatment despite power cuts in the area.
- Due to flooding caused by heavy rains the MSF team was unable to reach the Carita Health Centre on 26 December. Medical coordination with the health centre staff is being conducted via phone calls. As of 25 December, the Carita Health Center admitted 99 injured patients who were immediately released after treatment. The centre has also received 65 bodies.
“Aside from supporting the health centres, MSF has been conducting a mobile clinic from the third day after the tsunami hit the area. We visited the survivors who have evacuated to higher ground by foot. Some of them have been injured as they were either trying to escape the rising water or as they were hit by rubble. We saw many injured people in the remote communities who have not received any treatment. So, we cleaned and dressed their wounds. Afterwards, we will conduct follow-up visits to check on their condition and make sure that they heal properly,” said Dina Afriyanti, an MSF midwife.
Sulaiman Warawu, the MSF Health Promoter, emphasised, “As MSF has been here in Banten since early this year for the adolescent health project, this area feels like home. So, we have committed to support the health centres and the people affected. We will continue conducting the mobile clinic and will also do follow-ups to ensure the full recovery of the patients.”
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