Life-saving genexpert: Close-up of samples collected inside MSF hospital before their analysis in the laboratory to diagnose TB cases.
Access To Medicines

An Open Letter to Danaher and Cepheid to Reduce Prices of Life-saving GenXpert Tests

Today, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) shared an open letter on social media with the employees of the US corporation Danaher and its affiliate companies to ask employees to join MSF and 150 organisations and health activists around the world in the ‘Time for $5’ campaign, and call on Danaher to drop the price of all life-saving GeneXpert tests to $5 a test. More affordable tests would help increase access to timely diagnosis and, thus, treatment for many more people, including for TB, HIV, hepatitis, COVID-19, Ebola, and sexually transmitted infections. In the open letter to employees here, MSF asks them to join us by:

1. Telling Danaher and Cepheid leadership how they can be more responsible in their business practices. Inputs on the Feedback Box hosted by will be recorded anonymously.

2. Signing our petition for more affordable tests for low- and middle-income countries

Life-saving genexpert: Wengo Chuol Mwon, laboratory supervisor in MSF hospital in Leer, is showing some samples collected to diagnose TB cases.
Wengo Chuol Mwon, laboratory supervisor in MSF hospital in Leer, is showing some samples collected to diagnose TB cases.
Kristen Poels