Combined accounts 2011
MSF is pleased to present its audited combined Financial Statements. The combined accounts represent an aggregation of the Financial Statements of the 19 main MSF offices worldwide, together with the Financial Statements of the offices in the Czech Republic, Ireland and South Africa, satellite organisations and MSF International. The combined Financial Statements provide a view of MSF’s work internationally and are a means of transparency and accountability.
2011 saw a decrease in income for MSF compared with 2010. Total incoming resources of 886 million euros for 2011 were 57 million euros less than in 2010. 2010’s higher income was due mainly to the increased private income received following the emergencies in Haiti and Pakistan.
More than 4.5 million individual donors and private funders provided 89% of MSF’s income in 2011.
Total expenditure in 2011 was 900 million euros, an increase of 87 million euros over 2010 – equating to an 11% increase in activities. This expenditure can be broken down into two main categories: social mission and other expenses. In both 2011 and 2010, 82% of MSF’s total expenditure was spent on social mission and 18% on other expenses.
The result for 2011, after adjusting for exchange gains/losses, shows a deficit of 16 million euros (132.5 million euros surplus for 2010).
The 14 countries where MSF ran the largest programmes in 2011 accounted for 63% of its programme expenditure for the year.