Ongoing fighting and deplorable conditions force Aburoc's population to depart for Sudan

MSF staff testimonies of national staff who stayed with the population from Aburoc to Sudan’s Khor Waral.

Dr Lazaro Fidelle Nykayo: Working in Meganis border crossing Sudan

There was a lot of tension in Kodok, so people started to move. People were afraid of clashes between the government and opposition. We moved to Aburoc and then to Meganis but we had no water on the way.

People are leaving Aburoc because they think they won’t get water; that’s the main reason why people are going to Meganis. But it is very difficult for people to reach Meganis, it is 250km away, with no water on the way, so people are walking close to the river or they pay a truck to Meganis.  

I left my mother and father behind, in Aburoc. I can’t communicate with them; I don’t know what has happened to them.

Joseph Oyath – Nurse: Working in an MSF clinic in Aburoc South Sudan

The situation is not good because of the water in Aburoc, and that’s the reason why we have so many diarrhoea cases. 

The population is gathering under trees. They want to leave, but there are not enough vehicles for everyone to go to Sudan

Water is the main reason people go to Sudan, and the other one is security. People go to the boreholes to get water, but there are always people in line. Some even fight because they want to get water. It is not enough.

My family went to the north, but I can’t go because I have to help the people here. I would go to Sudan if I was not working for MSF here, helping the people.

Waad Dier – IEC supervisor: He is currently in Kor Alwaral refugee camp, Sudan

On April 26, we left in a truck that we hired with many other people.  It was a very hard situation on the road, no water, no food, and children were crying, people got diarrhoea. 

I had the runaway bags, containing essential medical supplies, provided by MSF so I was able to help the people…some were vomiting, others with diarrhoea.  We all managed to reach Meganis thanks to the medical assistance we could provide on the way.  In all,350 people came with me in five trucks. 

I would like to stay in the camp because my life is secure here.  However, the living conditions in the camp are not ideal.  At the moment, I am staying with one of my relatives. People need water in Aburoc and they also need also shelter and food.  The hygienic conditions are very bad, but all of them can’t come to Sudan because they need money to pay for the transport here.

Find out more about MSF's activities in South Sudan.