Getting Ahead of the Wave: Lessons for the Next Decade of the AIDS Response" details MSF’s experience implementing treatment strategies to improve care and policies needed to make massive scale-up of treatment more affordable.
The report also presents results of a survey conducted by MSF teams in 16 countries on progress in implementing WHO treatment guidelines as well as other important strategies to increase access to antiretroviral treatment (ART).
While many countries have adopted improved protocols and policies, most HIV-prevalent countries are still struggling to reach more than 50% of people in need of ART or provide ART in more than 50% of existing facilities.
The progress thus far would not have been possible without external financial support, but it will take more mobilisation of domestic and external resources so that the population benefits of ART in reducing infections, deaths, and illness can be fully realised.
With more than six million lives saved there is a lot to show for the last ten years of effort and with the latest evidence of ART reducing new infections, even more can be done in the next decade.