This evaluation report presents our findings, conclusions, lessons learnt and recommendations from the summative evaluation of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) project on “Cervical Cancer intervention in Gutu, Zimbabwe”.
MSF commissioned the cervical cancer project in Gutu in August 2015 (leveraging on its HIV/AIDS and TB project) focusing on cervical cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment for both women living with HIV (WLHIV) and the general population. The general objective of the intervention was to reduce the morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer in Gutu. The specific objective was to increase access to preventative and curative services. In addition, MSF’s project intention was to demonstrate the feasibility of a working decentralized model of cervical cancer services to district and community levels in a rural setting.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), MSF operated at different levels of care such as outreach, four rural health centers, one district and two mission hospitals, offering among others capacity building and technical support. The project also included two operational research studies namely: Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) vaccination among HIV-infected adolescent girls and young women aged 15 to 26 years old and Pilot of Xpert HPV Testing and Self-Sample Collection for Cervical Cancer Screening.
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