MSF HIV/TB Integration Guideline (2021)
HIV/TB contributes to significant morbidity/mortality in MSF basic health care projects, especially where HIV prevalence 1% and TB incidence 20/100,000 population. MSF has made a strong commitment to integrate HIV and TB care in projects where there is no access to this care. Integration of HIV and TB care in projects with a broader and different medical focus, like primary health care centers, reproductive health and nutrition programs, can be challenging. Within those competing priorities, HIV/TB care needs to remain a focus and fitted efficiently at field level to avoid overly complex approaches and maximize existing opportunities.
The document is divided into four parts, taking a step by step approach; assessment, implementation strategy special contexts and overview of HIV/TB activities The document is intended to summarise and give an overview to help medical and operational coordinators set up a HIV/TB care integration component within their project(s) or mission(s). For details on implementation processes and clinical instructions, each chapter refers to the corresponding (clinical) guidelines. Each MSF section has dedicated HIV and TB specialists and it is highly recommended to consult them during all steps of the integration design and processes to be taken (and after).