To win the fight against cholera, the approach must be changed
Op-Ed3 May 2024
Access to Healthcare
As a country fighting to implement universal health coverage, SA is uniquely poised to challenge the UHC 2030 agenda
Op-Ed21 Sep 2023
Global health
How the upcoming Global Fund replenishment decides who will be saved in the face of the HIV, TB and malaria pandemics, and why the pledges on September 21 matter.
Op-Ed16 Sep 2022
Access To Medicines
TRIPS non-waiver outcome highlights urgent need for domestic IP reform in South Africa
Op-Ed6 Sep 2022
Exclusion from Healthcare
A Dangerous Prognosis: Vulnerable migrants obstructed from getting essential maternal and child healthcare services due to Gauteng hospital payment policies and politics
Op-Ed6 Sep 2022
Armed conflict
Civilians and culprits: the impact of counter-terrorism measures on stigmatised populations
Op-Ed1 Jun 2022
Fighting malnutrition it’s about funding and sound strategies, not rocket science
Op-Ed10 Dec 2021
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic
In an unequal world, our response to COVID-19 cannot be one size-fits-all