

In Guinea, MSF teams provide support to people living with HIV and the health needs of children at a community level.

While Guinea has a relatively low prevalence of HIV, at around 1.4 per cent, just over half of people living with HIV receiving antiretrovirals (ARVs). In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, we run a 31-bed centre in Donka hospital, Conakry, to treat people with advanced HIV.

MSF teams work in Kouroussa prefecture, where we provide training to community health volunteers and health centres to improve the detection, treatment and referral systems for children with illnesses such as malaria. We also treat children with severe malaria at the prefecture-level hospital.


Our activities in 2023 in Guinea

Data and information from the International Activity Report 2023.

MSF IN GUINEA IN 2023 Providing care for people living with advanced HIV is a key activity for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Guinea. In 2023, we also responded to outbreaks of diphtheria and Lassa fever.
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, activities in Guinea in 2023

Although Guinea has a relatively low HIV prevalence of about 1.4 per cent, just over half of people living with the disease are currently receiving antiretroviral treatment.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, our teams support eight health centres in the capital, Conakry, where we support HIV testing and treatment, with a focus on prevention of mother-to-child transmission of the disease, paediatric HIV care, as well as treatment for opportunistic infections, sexual violence and tuberculosis. In addition, we manage a 31-bed facility at Donka Hospital for people with severe complications of HIV.

Following the notification of two Lassa fever outbreaks in Guéckédou health district in August and October, our teams supported the Ministry of Health’s response by donating supplies for patient care, including ribavirin, a drug used to treat the disease.

In August, we launched an assessment into a potential diphtheria outbreak in the district of Siguiri. The outbreak was confirmed, and an emergency response was launched to support the Ministry of Health in treating cases.

Patients with moderate and severe forms of the disease were admitted to a treatment centre, while those with mild symptoms were issued follow-up appointments and given antibiotics to take at home, along with information on how to reduce the risk of transmission. We also supported community awareness campaigns and patient outreach activities. By the end of 2023, the number of patients was still rising.

In late 2022, an Epicentre and MSF team dedicated to epidemiology and research launched an oral cholera vaccination project and study in Guinea, in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital for Children and Harvard University, assessing the development of immunity to the vaccine. Over 450 participants were enrolled in 2023, receiving two doses of the oral vaccine.

IN 2023


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