

Fighting has displaced tens of thousands of people in Sudan, where we respond by providing medical care for malnutrition, diarrhoeal diseases and malaria.

At a project in Sortoni, we provide treatment via outpatient and inpatient consultations. The project also provides nutritional services and vaccinations. At Dar Zaghawa, four of our health centres offer medical care, with a particular focus on mothers and children.

We also treat visceral leishmaniasis (also known as kala azar) in Al-Gedaref State, eastern Sudan. This parasitic disease, which is transmitted by sandflies, has a 95 per cent mortality rate if it is not treated.

Our activities in Sudan in 2022

Data and information from the International Activity Report 2022.

MSF IN SUDAN IN 2022 Doctors Without Borders (MSF) continued to respond to multiple health issues during a turbulent year in Sudan, where violence and extreme weather caused mass displacement.

In 2022, humanitarian needs were at their highest levels in a decade amid conflict, erratic rainfall, flooding, food insecurity, funding cuts and an ongoing political and economic crisis.

There was a surge in fighting between fragmented armed groups in Darfur, Kordofan and Blue Nile states, causing further displacement. According to UN estimates, more than three million people were displaced across the country, including around 400,000 people newly displaced in 2022, about 2.5 million of them in Darfur.

We worked in four states in Darfur, mostly in hard-to-reach communities otherwise cut off from assistance, including in the Jebel Marra region, providing care through mobile and fixed clinics and hospitals. Services included general, specialist, emergency and reproductive healthcare, nutrition support for children, health promotion and vaccination campaigns.

In Blue Nile state, we ran a therapeutic feeding programme for malnourished children and supported rural health clinics offering basic healthcare. We conducted mobile clinics and water and sanitation activities at sites where displaced families resided following three waves of violent clashes.

Our teams in Khartoum and Omdurman continued to provide general healthcare and emergency services for refugees, displaced people and host communities.

In early 2022, during protests, we supported seven Ministry of Health ambulances, donated supplies, and trained eight hospitals in mass casualty management. In January, nine MSF staff were detained briefly in Khartoum, and health facility raids were common. In December, we concluded our support to Mygoma Orphanage in Khartoum and handed it over to the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Health.

In Al-Gedaref and Kassala states, we assisted Ethiopian refugees and local communities by offering basic health and reproductive care, nutrition support for children, and treatment for neglected tropical diseases.

From June to September, heavy rains caused widespread flooding. Partnering with local communities, MSF responded across four states, providing drinking water and essential items, along with sanitation and hygiene services.


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MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Sudan, Karthoum, Bashair Hospital

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