Safe Abortion Care

Every minute, somewhere in the world a woman or girl has an unsafe abortion. MSF is committed to providing safe abortion care to reduce avoidable suffering and deaths.

Unsafe abortion is one of the main causes of maternal death worldwide, and the only one that is almost entirely preventable.

Every day, our teams around the world witness first-hand the death and suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion.

That’s how we know that safe abortion care is essential healthcare.

A member of MSF's Community Outreach team, at left, speaks with a patient of MSF's mobile clinic in an under-resourced neighborhood in Beira, Mozambique about safe abortion care. The mobile clinic offers sexual and reproductive services, including safe abortion care and HIV testing and treatment to under-resourced communities in Mozambique

How to talk about abortion

Providing safe abortion care: a medical necessity

MSF considers access to safe abortion care as a critical part of comprehensive reproductive healthcare, one that reduces maternal mortality and suffering.

Our commitment to this issue stems from our experience at our projects, where every day we see suffering and death caused by unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions.

In 2021, we treated more than 18,300 women and girls for abortion-related complications, the majority likely due to unsafe abortions.

MSF, Doctors Without Borders, A year in pictures 2023, Mozambique, safe abortion care
Safe Abortion Care

Expanding access to safe abortion care in Mozambique

Latest News 23 Jan 2024
Image of MSF staff listening to safe abortion stories in Mozambique
Safe Abortion Care

Safe abortion stories from Mozambique

Patient and Staff Stories 23 Jan 2024
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Self Abortion Care
Access to Healthcare

Safe abortion care: “The safest way to help women”

Patient and Staff Stories 24 Oct 2022
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Self Managed Abortion Care
Access to Healthcare

A Revolution in Safe Abortion Care: Self-managed abortion with pills

Latest News 22 Sep 2021
A picture of a woman holding an HIV self test
Access to Healthcare

Women at the centre of their health

Patient and Staff Stories 8 Mar 2021
Kgaladi Mphahlele
Sexual and Gender Based Violence

South Africa: Providing safe abortion care during a national lockdown

Fieldworkers Stories 3 Jul 2020