348 Results For "covid-19"

“Our priority is to protect hospital staff” in Codogno, where COVID-19 began in Italy

A widespread shortage of personal protective equipment throughout Italy are all factors that expose frontline health workers to great risk of infection
Latest News - 20 Mar 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Responding to COVID-19 in the South African context of multiple, intertwined epidemics

MSF teams have linked with official crisis response role players at City, sub-district, provincial and national levels in response to COVID19 
Latest News - 19 Mar 2020

Northwest Syria: Despite the truce, the struggle of the population continues

Recently, displaced people in Northwest Syria have also had to face winter cold, with temperatures sometimes reaching the negatives at night
Latest News - 18 Mar 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Coronavirus: What is MSF doing?

What questions does MSF face in response to the COVID-19 epidemic: Dr. Clair Mills, medical director on our current general analysis and intentions in response to the outbreak
Patient and Staff Stories - 17 Mar 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Evacuation of squalid Greek camps more urgent than ever in light of COVID-19

The overcrowded and horrific living conditions in the migrant reception centre hotspots on the Greek islands provide the perfect storm for a COVID-19 outbreak
Press Release - 13 Mar 2020

SAR Ocean Viking in Quarantine

The rescue ship Ocean Viking jointly operated by MSF and SOS MEDITERRANEE, and its crew on board, have been instructed to remain in quarantine since Sunday
Press Release - 28 Feb 2020

COVID-19 outbreak: Providing materials and engaging communities

Specialised medical protective equipment from MSF is on its way to Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital in the capital city of Hubei province, China, the epicentre of the current coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
Latest News - 14 Feb 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Supporting preparedness efforts to fend off the coronavirus

MSF emergency coordinator, Dr Tankred Stoebe, is currently travelling across Southeast Asia to assess how MSF can support health authorities and health facilities prepare for potential outbreaks of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Latest News - 14 Feb 2020