The Americas

The Triatoma bug, also known as the "kissing bug," carries the parasite that causes Chagas.
The Americas


MSF first worked in Paraguay in 2010 and closed its projects in 2013.
MSF teams providing care to COVID patients in Antonio Lorena hospital, Cusco, Peru.
The Americas


​MSF started working in Peru in 1985​ and closed its projects in 2007.
The Americas


Our teams are working to improve medical care for migrants and asylum seekers from Venezuela, as well as local communities.
The Americas


Despite the peace process, a resurgence in violence has led to people in Colombia becoming displaced or traumatised.
MSF_Cite_Soleil_Port au Prince_Haiti
The Americas


People in Haiti continue to bear the brunt of political instability and escalating violence, which have pushed the healthcare system to the brink of collapse.
MSF team in Honduras
The Americas


Honduras has experienced years of political, economic and social instability, and has one of the highest rates of violence in the world. This has great medical, psychological and social consequences for people.