MSF, Doctors Without Borders, our activities in South Sudan
Each year, malaria kills nearly half a million people. 70 per cent of all deaths are children under five years of age.

The disease is easy enough to treat, but access to the most effective treatments remains inadequate. 90 per cent of all malaria deaths occur on the African continent. Impregnated mosquito nets are expensive and out of reach for many. The parasite which causes malaria is beginning to show resistance in parts of Asia to the most effective drug we have. And there are no new drugs in the development pipeline, meaning we could be left without effective options in the future.

Quick facts about malaria

south Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia’s Gambella region

South Sudan: Gruesome targeted killings in Bentiu Hospital

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Hepatitis C

Global response to hepatitis C hangs on access to new oral drugs

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CAR: Escalating violence endangering civilians and delivery of humanitarian aid

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Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

MSF releases report on shocking humanitarian situation in eastern DRC

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Cameroon - Care for malnourished CAR refugees

Central African refugees in southern Chad in need of emergency food aid

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