Malnutrition in Biltine (Chad)


More than 232 million children around the world last year suffered from malnutrition. It is the underlying contributing factor in nearly half of the deaths of children under five years of age.

Malnutrition can lead to a weakened immune system meaning children are more vulnerable to disease. These diseases can lead to further malnutrition, creating a vicious cycle of malnutrition and disease.

MSF first introduced specific therapeutic foods to treat malnutrition on a large scale as long ago as 2005, which has been widely used since; but access to specific and necessary nutrition remains one of the major challenges in reducing child mortality, especially in conflict-affected countries, where they are most vulnerable.


Quick facts about malnutrition

Access to Healthcare

MAMELA magazine issue 18 - July 2016

Magazine 20 Jul 2016
Videos and Photos

Malnutrition emergency response in eastern Nigeria

20 Jul 2016
Videos and Photos
Doctors Without Borders in Central Africa Republic.

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Mariupol mobile clinics

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MSF responds to a deadly outbreak of malaria in DRC

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Women carrying charcoal and firewood
Activity Report

MSF South Sudan activity update: March 2016

Report 31 Mar 2016