Four-yearl-old Hamza is receiving wound care treatment in the MSF medical point in Karantina, Beirut.
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This aerial photograph shows the informal site of conflict-displaced people settled in the Rutshuru Centre stadium, in North Kivu province, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Internally Displaced People

DRC: displaced communities are losing hope as the M23 crisis drags on in North Kivu

Latest News 3 Aug 2022
Miriam Achieng has been living with HIV since 2006

MSF at AIDS 2022

Latest News 28 Jul 2022
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Rohingya in Myanmar mental health
Mental Health

After 10 years in camps in Myanmar, Rohingya mental health continues to suffer

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child with severe acute malnutrition in Kofar Marusa therapeutic feeding centre.

Neglected malnutrition crisis threatens tens of thousands of children

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Ongoing conflict in Cabo Degaldo, Mozambique
Internally Displaced People

Mozambique: Three new developments in the Cabo Delgado crisis

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MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Zimbabwe, Environmental Health Hub

Reaping the rewards of recycling in Harare, Zimbabwe

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