Spain Intervention Care Homes Barcelona
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Press Release

South Africa

SOUTHERN SUBURBS TATLER: MSF doctor shares amazing life journey

Press Release 7 Apr 2016

South Sudan: MSF issues open letter on nationwide lack of medicines

Press Release 7 Apr 2016
Hepatitis C

At EU-India Summit, India must defend its ‘pharmacy of the developing world’

Press Release 29 Mar 2016

Greece: MSF ends activities inside the Lesvos “hotspot”

Press Release 22 Mar 2016
MSF treats DR-TB cases
Drug-resistant TB

Access: Just 2% of people with the severest cases of drug-resistant TB currently have access to new, more effective treatments

Press Release 21 Mar 2016
Drug-resistant TB

New drugs have potential to dramatically improve cure rates for people with severest forms of TB — if access to treatment is improved

Press Release 21 Mar 2016