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Press Release

Stockouts: access to contraceptives in South African public health clinics
South Africa

Contraceptives are most common medicine stockout at public health facilities in 2022, Stop Stockouts Project research finds

Press Release 29 Aug 2022
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, South Africa, xenophobic attacks blocking healthcare in Pretoria
South Africa

Intensifying xenophobic climate and politicisation of healthcare blocks patients from hospitals in Pretoria

Press Release 26 Aug 2022
José Manuel, MSF lab technician, conducts tests to check patient's viral load during the first days after the 09 April resumption of the HIV-related activities in the MSF-supported Munhava health centre in Beira after Cyclone Idai hit the city. 

Access to new game-changing HIV prevention drug needs to be accelerated, following WHO recommendation,

Press Release 27 Jul 2022
MSF, Doctors without Borders, South Sudan, Heptisis E Vaccination Campaign
Hepatitis E

South Sudan: The world's first vaccination campaign to control an outbreak of hepatitis E

Press Release 20 Jul 2022
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Haiti, Cité Soleil, armed clashes
Armed conflict

Haiti: Thousands of people trapped by armed clashes in Cité Soleil

Press Release 12 Jul 2022
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Nigeria, Malnutrition in Maiduguri

Nigeria: Urgent humanitarian response needed to avoid deadly consequences in Borno

Press Release 30 Jun 2022