Doctors Without Borders emergency response team carrying out measles vaccinations for children in Beboto in Chad.
Since 2015, thousands of people in the Lake Chad region have been forced to flee their homes as a result of violent clashes between armed groups and Chadian military forces.

Our teams provide medical care and assistance to displaced people and local communities, who often struggle with a lack of food, in the east and the south of the country.

We work to prevent or help mitigate the seasonal peaks of malnutrition and malaria among children, including across the Sahel region in Adre, on the border with Sudan, which is an area marked by violence and displacement.

We also improve healthcare for women and children and work on preventing and responding to measles outbreaks.

An emergency response unit (CERU) in southern Chad is capable of delivering medical care in under 72 hours. The CERU responds to emergencies, including measles outbreaks, influxes of refugees fleeing the Central African Republic, and intercommunal clashes.

Our activities in Chad in 2022

Data and information from the International Activity Report 2022.

MSF IN CHAD IN 2022 In Chad, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) continues to work to address the chronic health crisis. With repeated epidemics and nutrition emergencies, it has some of the world’s highest rates of child and maternal deaths.

Our teams focus on supporting women, children, and the large number of refugees from conflicts in neighbouring countries. In 2022, our teams responded to several emergencies in the capital, N’Djamena, and other parts of the country.

In the southwest, we provided medical consultations and hospital referrals for people who had fled intercommunal clashes in northern Cameroon. As a separate intercommunal conflict in the Chadian region of Mayo-Kebbi Est pushed more people to flee, we provided medical assistance in Kélo and responded to a measles outbreak in Bongor.

Further east, in Adré district, we scaled up activities to assist a new influx of refugees following an upsurge in conflict in Sudan’s Darfur region. We also helped improve access to medical care, safe water, and hygiene and sanitation services in refugee camps in Guereda district between March and December.

After N’Djamena was hit by floods in September, we responded to the urgent needs of people left with minimal access to services and exposed to heightened risks of diseases. Our teams offered medical care, nutrition support, essential relief items, and water and sanitation services in several displacement sites.

In Am Timan, we responded to an alarming situation by treating severely malnourished children in six health facilities and the hospital. Meanwhile, we maintained our paediatric and nutrition services in the capital, and in Moïssala and Massakory.

In the Mandoul region, we also supported vaccinations and treatment in response to an outbreak of yellow fever in Moïssala and Goundi districts, and worked in partnership with the Ministry of Health to improve obstetric and maternal healthcare at Moïssala hospital.

In Dar Sila, we continued to run our community-based health programme, putting community members at the heart of all strategic decision making, with the aim of preventing diseases and safeguarding maternal health

I looked after her for seven days at home but after that knew I had to get her to a clinic. ZARA ABBA VISITED MSF INTENSIVE CARE UNIT IN BOKORO WITH HER GRANDDAUGHTER.

Chad: “I would travel all the way to France for my children’s health.”


MSF opens emergency nutrition programme in Chadian capital N’Djamena

Latest News 31 Jul 2018

Chad: Tackling Malnutrition in Am Timan

Latest News 17 Jul 2018
Mental Health

Lake Chad region: The fear that follows them

3 Sep 2015

CHAD: Reducing child mortality

Press Release 11 Sep 2014
Tissi refugee site

CHAD: MSF is calling for refugees to receive humanitarian assistance following clashes in Darfur

Press Release 26 Apr 2013

Nutrition Crisis in Chad

Press Release 14 Jun 2010