3692 Results

A doctor returns home after 20 years outside the country

Medical care and providing assistance to refugees is a life-long passion for Dr Sohur Mire, a Somali-Swedish medical professional and board member of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa. This is her story.

Fieldworkers Stories - 1 Feb 2019

Burkina Faso: Thousands of people fleeing violence need help

Since the beginning of 2019, the escalation of violence in the North Centre and Sahel regions of Burkina Faso has caused dozens of deaths and the internal displacement of thousands. They need help urgently
Latest News - 31 Jan 2019

The Urgent Challenge of Filling Gaps In the Legs of Gaza’s Wounded

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) teams in the Palestinian enclave are coping with the arduous task of replacing the centimetres of bones pulverised by Israeli bullets in the bodies of protesters. The limited resources available on site, however, make it impossible to provide a viable solution for many of them – this is why referrals to hospitals abroad are a necessary part of the equation.
Latest News - 29 Jan 2019

MSF Zimbabwe Newsletter: Issue 1, 2019

MSF Zimbabwe newsletter is a bi-annual newsletter that highlights MSF’s medical activities in Zimbabwe.
Newsletter - 29 Jan 2019

MSF IN 2018 | Thank you for your support

MSF providing life-saving medical care to people around the world. 
Videos and Photos - 29 Jan 2019
Mental Health

Displaced and distressed: the case of mental health in East Africa

Mental health issues are on the rise in almost all of MSF’s treatment centres across East and Horn of Africa​
Latest News - 23 Jan 2019

Mental health in Nduta camp - Tanzania

Vast maority of refugees live in three camps located in the north-west of the country. 
Videos and Photos - 23 Jan 2019

2018: A Year In Pictures

Videos and Photos - 21 Jan 2019

War-wounded and trauma patients

MSF provides life-saving medical care to people based only on need worldwide. 
Videos and Photos - 19 Jan 2019
Mental Health

Breaking the chains of mental illness in Liberia

In Liberia, MSF teams have seen that investing in community-based care can make a huge difference in the lives of people suffering from severe mental illnesses. 
Latest News - 18 Jan 2019