3692 Results

A fair shot: Valentine's day

#Pfizer, show some love on Valentine’s Day and drop the price of the pneumonia vaccine for developing countries, too! 
Videos and Photos - 14 Feb 2017
Irak - MSF mobile clinics in Kirkuk and Salahedin governorates

Iraq: Assisting people displaced from Hawija

Mariko Miller is a Canadian emergency nurse working with MSF in Kirkuk, in northern Iraq.
Patient and Staff Stories - 10 Feb 2017

MSF condemns brutal killing of ICRC staff in Afghanistan

MSF is shocked by the attack against humanitarian workers of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Jawzan province, Afghanistan.
Press Release - 9 Feb 2017
Fighting Hepatitis E in Am Timan, Chad - January 2017
Hepatitis E

Am Timan, Chad: MSF calls for assistance to curb hepatitis E outbreak

A hepatitis E outbreak is escalating across Am Timan, in the Salamat region in South-Eastern Chad.
Press Release - 9 Feb 2017
Kenya - Dadaab refugee camp

MSF welcomes Kenyan High Court ruling declaring closure of Dadaab refugee camps “illegal"

MSF welcomes today’s ruling by the Kenyan High Court which has declared the closure of the world’s largest refugee camp, Dadaab, illegal.
Press Release - 9 Feb 2017

Stella Nthiga: "I see my work as a calling"

MSF’s outreach team leader in Dolo Zone in the Somali region of Ethiopia brought primary healthcare to patients in the most remote areas
Fieldworkers Stories - 9 Feb 2017
Mulungu DRC measles vaccination

DRC: MSF fights measles outbreak in South Kivu

MSF teams have vaccinated over 4000 children where measles outbreak has reappered once again in South Kivu, DRC.
Latest News - 8 Feb 2017

Global day of action against Roche's inhumanity

Swiss multinational company Roche faced global condemnation today from women living with cancer and health activists.
Press Release - 7 Feb 2017
Wau Shilluk following attacks in Jan 2017
South Sudan

South Sudan: Fleeing civilians cut off from emergency healthcare in Wau Shilluk

Civilians caught up in the fighting around Wau Shilluk and Malakal are finding it difficult to access healthcare.
Press Release - 6 Feb 2017

Search and rescue: "I tried to picture what he must have felt, but at some point I could not..."

"It's a long story. What I have suffered is unimaginable for a boy my age.” 7-year-old Jonathan from Nigeria was held in a detention centre in Libya and tortured. 
Patient and Staff Stories - 6 Feb 2017