3692 Results

East Aleppo: Doctors under siege

As the siege of east Aleppo enters its fourth month, how are medical staff coping?
Press Release - 14 Nov 2016

East Aleppo: A HUMAN tragedy is unfolding

Besiegement and bombing of east Aleppo is deepening a desperate health crisis, warns MSF´s Middle East Operational Manager, Pablo Marco
- 14 Nov 2016
Boost Hospital, Lashkar Gah, Helmand, Afghanistan

Afghanistan: "A lot of progress is being made in Afghan society"

3 Question for Guilhem Molinié, just returned from a two year assignment in  Afghanistan where he was Head of Mission.
- 11 Nov 2016

Taiz: Record number of babies born on hospital’s one-year anniversary

In the past year, 3,123 babies have been born in Mother & Child hospital (MCH) in Al Houban, Taiz-one of the areas in Yemen hardest hit by the war- in Yemen.
Latest News - 11 Nov 2016

Kate Stegeman: “Impartiality and neutrality are the cornerstone of what we do”

Meet Fieldworker Kate Stegeman MSF’s field communications officer in Afghanistan as she explains the importance of the MSF principles that guide our work.
Fieldworkers Stories - 11 Nov 2016

"It was a battle between Pneumonia and me."

The reality of pneumonia can be a very scary and dangerous. Each year, it takes the lives of nearly one million kids. There’s a vaccine to prevent it, but it’s too expensive for many countries to afford.
Patient and Staff Stories - 10 Nov 2016

We don’t care how long it took to get here

Videos and Photos - 9 Nov 2016

We don’t care if an earthquake cut you off

Videos and Photos - 9 Nov 2016

Maiduguri, Nigeria: "Sometimes we go for days without food"

Testimonies from patients at the MSF facilities in Maiduguri and in Muna Garage camp.
- 8 Nov 2016

East Aleppo: “It has taken four years and 20 surgical operations to repair the damage”

East Aleppo’s besieged residents have been told to leave their homes or face annihilation. As they brace themselves for what comes next, Amal Abdullah recalls the day four years ago that she was told to leave the east Aleppo neighbourhood where she grew up
Patient and Staff Stories - 8 Nov 2016