3692 Results

Afghanistan: revolting attack on pregnant women and babies

We mourn the loss of several patients and we have indications that at least one national colleague was also killed.
Press Release - 13 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Eswatini: Responding to COVID-19 in a country already fighting a dual HIV/TB epidemic

Eswatini is burdened with a high HIV and TB infection rate, while this is ongoing, it is also important to think of solutions to manage COVID-19. In an interview, Dr Bernhard Kerschberger, MSF Head of Mission in Eswatini, explains how our teams are achieving this.
Latest News - 7 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Niger – Working with communities during a pandemic

Community engagement is important to ensure that people understand COVID-19 and helps to identify possible patients through contact tracing and it squashes myths that may come with the pandemic. In Niger, a SAMU call centre is working around the clock to help the community of Niamey with positive COVID-19 patients.
Latest News - 6 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

CAR: A nationwide measles epidemic threatens children's lives

The Central African Republic is plagued by a serious measles outbreak that is threatened by the increasing novel coronavirus outbreak. Our main concern is that if COVID-19 prevents children from getting vaccinated more of them will die.
Latest News - 5 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Nearly two years on, measles epidemic in Chad is not under control

Officially declared in May 2018, 118 out of 126 health districts in Chad have now been affected by the epidemic
Latest News - 5 May 2020

DRC: “COVID-19 must not jeopardise the fight against major killer diseases like measles”

A one-track focus on COVID-19 will sow the seeds of other major health crises such as measles in DRC
Latest News - 5 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Nairobi: MSF COVID-19 response in Kibera

In Nairobi, Kenya, our teams continue to prepare for their COVID-19 response to remote communities such as Kibera. Lili-Marie Wangari gives a first-person account on how our teams have been managing the outbreak thus far.
Latest News - 30 Apr 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

A day in the life of an MSF health promoter in times of COVID-19

More support is desperately needed for the refugees and host community in Tanzania and across Africa, as COVID-19 outbreak surges 
Fieldworkers Stories - 29 Apr 2020
South Africa

South Africa: COVID-19 operational update #7

Latest News - 29 Apr 2020