
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the world’s biggest global health crises. Killing 1.5 million people in 2020, TB is the world’s second deadliest infectious disease after COVID-19 (WHO).

Obsolete treatments, the lack of an effective vaccine, and the lack of suitable diagnostic tools make it difficult to control the global TB epidemic.

Some gains have been made in recent years; the first new TB drugs in half a century and the trial of a shorter course of treatment for drug-resistant TB (DR-TB). But the harsh reality remains - 10 million people fell sick with TB in 2020 and nearly half a million developed DR-TB, which is much harder to treat. Only about one-third of people with DR-TB accessed treatment in 2020. The majority go undiagnosed and therefore untreated.

IN 2021

Quick facts about Tuberculosis


Charles Ronoh “I'm motivated to keep working against HIV”

Fieldworkers Stories 22 Jul 2016

Cynthia Dounkel "Since 2013 I live in Mpoko camp. I feel a slight change."

18 Jul 2016

Faustin: "If my wife had left that day, I would have died."

Patient and Staff Stories 18 Jul 2016
Doctors Without Borders in Central Africa Republic.

John Sekibibi "We decentralised ART services which really made it easier for patients to get care"

Fieldworkers Stories 15 Jul 2016
A community health agent on her way to deliver HIV counseling and testing services
Activity Report

Bending the curves of the HIV/TB epidemic in KwaZulu-Natal

Report 12 Jul 2016

India must defend medicines lifeline for Africa

Press Release 6 Jul 2016