
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the world’s biggest global health crises. Killing 1.5 million people in 2020, TB is the world’s second deadliest infectious disease after COVID-19 (WHO).

Obsolete treatments, the lack of an effective vaccine, and the lack of suitable diagnostic tools make it difficult to control the global TB epidemic.

Some gains have been made in recent years; the first new TB drugs in half a century and the trial of a shorter course of treatment for drug-resistant TB (DR-TB). But the harsh reality remains - 10 million people fell sick with TB in 2020 and nearly half a million developed DR-TB, which is much harder to treat. Only about one-third of people with DR-TB accessed treatment in 2020. The majority go undiagnosed and therefore untreated.

IN 2021

Quick facts about Tuberculosis

Drug-resistant TB

Tuberculosis: “I’ve been sick for more than 15 years – my goal is to be cured.”

9 Jul 2015

MSF launches global campaign urging India to protect access to affordable medicines

Press Release 11 Jun 2015

Chronic drug stock outs threaten gains of SA’s health programme; civil society calls for bold action

Press Release 11 Jun 2015
Drug-resistant TB

G7: The world is no better prepared today than a year ago to respond to Ebola

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CAR: “Without healthcare our children would be like dead leaves falling from a tree”

22 Apr 2015

South Sudan: A year after mass killings in Bentiu, violence and displacement continue

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