
Women's health

An estimated 99 per cent of women who die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications live in developing countries. Most of these deaths are preventable.

Be it in conflict, in a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, or in an HIV programme - women are in need of specific care. Reproductive healthcare is an integral part of the medical care we provide, including in emergencies. In areas where maternal death is high, such as in Afghanistan or the Central African Republic, we've opened specific projects to provide care to women. The five main causes of maternal death are haemorrhage, sepsis, unsafe abortion, complications linked to high blood pressure, and obstructed labour.

Quick facts on Women's Health


"I was separated from my mum, got married off and I became pregnant for the first time"

Patient and Staff Stories 19 Jul 2018
Mental Health

Maternity care in Kutupalong: “This feels more like an emergency room than a normal delivery room”

Latest News 22 May 2018

Zimbabwe: Preventing cervical cancer

Patient and Staff Stories 28 Mar 2017

Cervical Cancer: “every woman should get screened, there’s no shame in it"

Patient and Staff Stories 27 Mar 2017

Burundi: MSF hands over the Urumuri obstetric fistula centre to Gitega regional hospital.

Press Release 17 Aug 2015
Women's health

Kenya: "we see how difficult life is and we opt to get married very young"

Patient and Staff Stories 3 Mar 2015