Mozambique Beira Cyclone Idai
Crisis Response


An earthquake, tsunami, flood or cyclone can have a devastating impact on entire communities.

Within a matter of minutes natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and storms can overwhelm an entire population.

Thousands of people can be injured or traumatised by the loss of family, friends and homes. Clean water, healthcare and transport are also often casualties in these disasters. Rapid medical care and coordinated emergency response are vital to protect survivors.

From large-scale catastrophes to local emergencies, MSF’s network of aid workers and supplies around the world means we can quickly respond to disasters. Indeed, we treated our first patient after the Haiti earthquake within three minutes. With more than 40 years’ experience, we are professionals in rolling out emergency responses in complex settings.

We put professional medical staff, logisticians and water and sanitation teams into disaster zones. Over decades we have built up a system of logistical support and a large pool of experienced MSF staff that can be mobilised in a short space of time.

Nearly 90 per cent of our funds are raised from the generosity of private donors, which gives MSF an unrivalled level of independence. Because of this, we can respond immediately without having to lobby governments or institutional donors for aid. We only appeal for extra funds if the disaster is very big and we really need extra support from the public.


Flooding in Malawi: “This time around, the destruction is more of houses and farm produce”

Patient and Staff Stories 29 Mar 2019

Natural disasters do not lead to epidemics

Natural disasters

MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Haiti, earthquake
Natural Disasters

Haiti: After the earthquake, a multitude of challenges for patients

Latest News 30 Aug 2021
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Haiti, earthquake
Natural Disasters

Haiti Earthquake: Crisis update August 19, 2021

Latest News 19 Aug 2021
Death, destruction and thousands of injured people in wake of Haiti earthquake

Haiti earthquake: MSF responds to urgent medical needs

Latest News 17 Aug 2021
During the training, the participants received a hands on demonstration and practiced how to look for water by using water jetting techniques, meaning they create deep holes with high-pressure water jets, a common practice when there’s a need for water when responding to an emergency.
Natural Disasters

From reactive to proactive: how MSF in Beira is stepping up its disaster response preparations

Latest News 16 Aug 2021
Water distribution in Sake, North Kivu, DRC
Natural Disasters

Further assistance urgently needed for people following DRC volcano eruption

Crisis Update 1 Jun 2021

Ethiopia: Refugees attempt to survive in flooded camps

Press Release 5 Sep 2014