MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Democratic Republic of Congo, HIV/AIDS

Confronting a deadly pandemic

Around 650,000 people died from HIV-related causes, while 1.5 million people became newly infected with the HIV virus in 2021.

Over 38 million people were living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) at the end of 2021, the majority of them in sub-Saharan Africa. While there is no cure for HIV, a combination of drugs known as antiretrovirals (ARVs) enables people to live longer, healthier lives if taken regularly. The cost of first-line drugs is now cheaper than ever, but efforts are still needed to ensure everyone who is living with HIV receives treatment.

Globally, 28.7 million people living with HIV were receiving ARVs in 2021. This equates to a global ARV coverage rate of 75 per cent. However, only 52 per cent of children were receiving ARV treatment at the end of 2021. (All figures: UNAIDS)

Quick facts about HIV/AIDS

José Manuel, MSF lab technician, conducts tests to check patient's viral load during the first days after the 09 April resumption of the HIV-related activities in the MSF-supported Munhava health centre in Beira after Cyclone Idai hit the city. 

Access to new game-changing HIV prevention drug needs to be accelerated, following WHO recommendation,

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