3692 Results
Mental Health

Under blockade and in isolation: Treating Gaza’s infections

Since "The Great March of Return", more than 7,400 Palestinians have been shot by the Israeli army, and MSF has treated more than 4,600 of them.
Patient and Staff Stories - 3 Sep 2019

2,000 deaths of Ebola in DRC

The number of people killed by the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo passes 2,000
Press Release - 30 Aug 2019

A letter from the field: Teddy Elongo

I am writing all the way from Koutiala, a small town in the centre of Mail where I work as a human resources manager. Today, I would like to share my excitement with you! We’re finally moving into the new Paediatric Ward built by MSF.
Fieldworkers Stories - 30 Aug 2019

Yemen: MSF team admits 51 wounded after chaos, heavy fighting in Aden

“It’s total chaos here. There was fighting in the city all day yesterday,” - Caroline Seguin, MSF programme manager for Yemen
Press Release - 29 Aug 2019
Mental Health

Mental healthcare in translation

MSF's mental health project in the north of the occupied West Bank has launched an awareness campaign aimed at reducing levels of stigma around, and increasing the availability of information about, mental health issues.
Latest News - 29 Aug 2019

Gavi should stop awarding special funds to Pfizer and GSK for pneumonia vaccine

More children can be protected against the number one childhood killer disease if Gavi reserves its special funding to promote a new affordable version of the pneumonia vaccine. 
Press Release - 26 Aug 2019

Place of safety finally offered to Ocean Viking rescue survivors

After 14 days stranded at sea with 356 vulnerable men, women and children on board, all 356 rescued people on board the Ocean Viking were allowed to disembark in Malta.
Press Release - 23 Aug 2019
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Nigeria, conflict
Armed conflict

Results of 10 years of conflict in Nigeria’s Borno State

Fieldworkers Stories - 23 Aug 2019

“He just kept running, despite the wound and the bleeding” – A 20-year-old Libyan man tells his story after I removed shrapnel from his torso

Ocean Viking has now been stranded at sea for 13 days now with 356 people on board.
Patient and Staff Stories - 22 Aug 2019

Dr Luca, Medical Doctor on board Ocean Viking


"As each day passes I can see a rapid and concerning deterioration in people’s mental state."
Press Release - 22 Aug 2019