3692 Results

Two Years On: No solutions in sight for the Rohingya

On 25 August 2017, a campaign of targeted violence by the Myanmar military was waged against the Rohingya in Rakhine State. MSF massively scaled up its operations response.
Latest News - 21 Aug 2019

One tribe, one MSF

Tambu Matambo recently returned from a field assignment of 3 years working in India working as a project coordinator, in Chhattisgarh and Manipur. 
Fieldworkers Stories - 16 Aug 2019

The struggle of Venezuelan migrants and asylum seekers in northern Brazil

Thousands of people who fled crisis-ridden Venezuela now live in precarious conditions and struggle to find proper medical care in the Brazilian state of Roraima.
Latest News - 16 Aug 2019

Hope is born: improving access to safe birth in Kenya

In Likoni, MSF has striven to reinforce health authorities’ capacity to provide a comprehensive package of emergency obstetric and neonatal care. This story of three women illustrates the success and challenges of expanding sexual and reproductive healthcare in Kenya’s coastal region of Likoni. 
Latest News - 16 Aug 2019

DRC: A deadly outbreak is spreading like wildfire

The measles epidemic declared on 10 June is the deadliest that the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has witnessed since the massive country-wide outbreak of 2011-2012.
Press Release - 16 Aug 2019

Humanitarian and medical needs of Venezuelan migrants and asylum seekers in Roraima state, Brazil

MSF head of mission in Roraima Michel Perelmanz 
Videos and Photos - 16 Aug 2019
Drug-resistant TB

Third new TB drug in over half a century must be affordable

Approved as part of a shorter treatment regimen, the new drug pretomanid could be a lifesaver for people with XDR-TB, but MSF warns it must be made affordable to make a real difference.
Press Release - 15 Aug 2019

North-east Nigeria: Ten years of violence and displacement

In northeast Nigeria, conflict between the military and armed opposition groups has taken a heavy toll on the population, with serious humanitarian consequences. 
Latest News - 13 Aug 2019

Niger: MSF forced to leave Maïné Soroa in Diffa region

Three months after a violent attack by unknown assailants on its office in Maïné Soroa, in southeastern Niger’s Diffa region, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has been forced to stop providing medical and humanitarian assistance to people in the area.
Latest News - 9 Aug 2019

Cholera Outbreak Declared in Mozambique

Cyclone Idai caused volumes of damage through Beira.
Videos and Photos - 7 Aug 2019