3692 Results

Ebola Crisis Outbreak: Northeast DRC

Northeast DRC Ebola Outbreak Crisis Info #5
Latest News - 19 Nov 2018

Cutting the transmission chains

Alpha Diallo, MSF Water and Sanitation Specialist, talks about the fight against Ebola in North Kivu, DRC. 
- 19 Nov 2018
Central African Republic

Central African Republic: 5,000 still sheltering in MSF-supported hospital in Batangafo

MSF is deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation of 5,000 displaced people currently seeking shelter in Batangafo Hospital
Press Release - 15 Nov 2018
Central African Republic

Violence in Batangafo: Central African Republic

Doctors without Borders supported Batangafo Hospital.
Videos and Photos - 15 Nov 2018

HIV & TB treatment at risk as Global Fund support dwindles

MSF calls on Global Fund Board to make urgent changes to prevent drug stock-outs and quality issues
Press Release - 14 Nov 2018

MSF faces an influx war wounded as fighting intensifies in Hodeidah, Hajjah, Saada and Taiz Governorates

MSF is worried by the escalation of fighting around Hodeidah, which raise fears of a siege of the city with civilians potentially trapped inside and caught in the crossfire
Press Release - 13 Nov 2018

Transforming faces and lives of patients suffering from Noma in Nigeria

Noma is a little understood, rapidly progressing gangrenous infection of the mouth and face, associated with a high mortality rate.
Latest News - 12 Nov 2018

What is Noma?

Noma is an infectious but non-contagious bacterial disease.
Videos and Photos - 12 Nov 2018

MSF closes its projects in Ad Dhale governorate due to insecurities and threats

Closure comes as we see an increase in war wounded at our facility in Aden, coming from the front lines located near Hodeidah/north of Ad Dhale
Press Release - 8 Nov 2018

Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami Response

On the third week of October, MSF has received the go-signal from the Indonesian MoH Crisis Centre to officially provide interventions for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi
Latest News - 5 Nov 2018