3692 Results
Mental Health

Helping Yambio´s demobilised child soldiers come to terms with their past

Over 600 former child soldiers in Yambio County, South Sudan, are participating in demobilization process which will support their reintegration into the community
Latest News - 15 Oct 2018

CAR: MSF sees a sharp increase in malnutrition & malaria patients

The first eight months of 2018 saw a 49% increase in the number of malaria cases treated, compared with 2017
Latest News - 15 Oct 2018

Malnutrition crisis in CAR: B-roll

MSF manages medical departments at the Bossangoa regional hospital in CAR.
Videos and Photos - 15 Oct 2018

Malnutrition crisis in CAR: Prudence interview

MSF offers Mental Health consultations to the hospital's patients.
Videos and Photos - 15 Oct 2018

MSF Activities In Greater Kasai Region

Activities MSF currently has in the Greater Kasai Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 
Latest News - 12 Oct 2018

Living with Loneliness and Trauma

MSF’s patients cope with fear and hopelessness from four years of conflict in eastern Ukraine
- 12 Oct 2018
Mental Health

Resilience and community support

MSF's psychologist Vanessa Cardoso. 
Videos and Photos - 12 Oct 2018
Mental Health

Mental health support to MSF staff

MSF's psychologist Deborah Duarte.
Videos and Photos - 12 Oct 2018
Mental Health

It’s not MSF that should leave Nauru, it’s the refugees

At least 78 MSF patients have considered or attempted suicide or self-harm in Nauru, Australia 
Press Release - 11 Oct 2018
Mental Health

Mental Health in Africa

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) seeks to support and provide further attention to this growing issue on the continent.
Latest News - 11 Oct 2018