3692 Results

"I was separated from my mum, got married off and I became pregnant for the first time"

All sectors of aid delivery have been affected in northeast Nigeria: food distribution, water availability and shelter capacity
Patient and Staff Stories - 19 Jul 2018

Annke Yssel: Treating wounded patients in Gaza

"Early this morning I was awakened by the sound of two explosions in Gaza."

Fieldworkers Stories - 18 Jul 2018

Chad: Tackling Malnutrition in Am Timan

MSF teams in Am Timan are responding to this nutritional crisis by providing support to three local health centres in screening and treating cases of malnutrition. 
Latest News - 17 Jul 2018

Drowning skyrockets as European Governments block humanitarian assistance on Central Mediterranean

The number of deaths in the Central Mediterranean has skyrocketed
Press Release - 12 Jul 2018

Mental health in northern Ethiopia: fighting stigma and providing treatment to Eritrean refugees

Since 2015, MSF has provided health services in Tigray and Afar regions of Ethiopia to Eritrean refugees flee their country
Latest News - 11 Jul 2018

Ethiopia: "I hope I will be able to keep on helping other survivors of violence"

"During the journey from Eritrea to Sudan, my baby girl got sick" Hellen MSF social worker
- 11 Jul 2018
Mental Health

Mosul still lacks 70% of healthcare capacity, one year since the battle ended

One year since the battle between the Islamic State (IS) group and the Iraqi forces officially ended in Mosul, the health system is still in ruins and struggling to cope as thousands of people continue to return to the city.
Press Release - 10 Jul 2018

Walk & Talk: Bangladesh - MSF's 'Hospital on the Hill'

Kutupalong-Balukhali camp in Bangladesh.
Videos and Photos - 10 Jul 2018

Walk & Talk: Bangladesh - MSF's 'Hospital on the Hill'

MSF has opened a new hospital at the heart of vast Kutupalong-Balukhali camp. An MSF doctor working in Kutupalong-Balukhali camp leads us around the newly opened IPD.
Videos and Photos - 10 Jul 2018

“Congolese health staff have shown an amazing commitment to fight Ebola”

Miriam Alia, an MSF vaccination expert explains how MSF took part in the ring vaccination against the disease and tells of her personal experience working with Congolese health workers.
- 9 Jul 2018