3692 Results

North Darfur: Dreams of returning home remain distant for those in Sortoni IDP camp

Two years ago armed militias attacked villages and smallholdings in the Jebel Marra mountains of Darfur. Over 23,000 IDPs now live in the camp in the village of Sortoni.
Latest News - 25 May 2018

Libya: dozens of refugees and migrants wounded after trying to escape horrific captivity conditions

During the evening of May 23 more than one hundred refugees and migrants who had been kidnapped and held captive by human traffickers west of Bani Walid, Libya, managed to escape
Press Release - 25 May 2018

Seeking to assist Syrians, wherever they are in need of help

A non-aggressive public request to the Syrian government to grant MSF authorization to work country-wide, including in government-controlled areas.

Press Release - 24 May 2018
Mental Health

Maternity care in Kutupalong: “This feels more like an emergency room than a normal delivery room”

In Bangladesh, many Rohingya women give birth in their tents, limiting their medical options in case something goes wrong. 
Latest News - 22 May 2018

Congolese refugees from the 'Triangle of Death' find safety in Zambia

MSF has been providing support in two camps hosting more than 12,000 Congolese refugees who have fled violence in southeast Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 
Latest News - 18 May 2018
Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Days of violence and mass casualties in Bangui

Latest News - 18 May 2018
Drug-resistant TB

MSF launches innovative drug-resistant TB clinical trial in South Africa

TB trial aims to find treatment regimens for MDR-TB  patients that are shorter, less toxic and more effective than current treatments
Press Release - 17 May 2018
Drug-resistant TB

Dr Gabriella Ferlazzo, answers some questions around the endTB trial

Q&A with Dr Gabriella Ferlazzo, TB/HIV advisor with the Southern Africa Medical Unit, the medical division of Doctors Without Borders South Africa
Patient and Staff Stories - 17 May 2018

DRC: The Ebola outbreak continues

The Ebola outbreak continues in the Equateur province, with one new laboratory-confirmed case from the city of Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Press Release - 17 May 2018
Mental Health

Libya: Migrants abducted and held in clandestine prisons

Christophe Biteau, MSF head of mission has been working in Libya since September 2017. Based on MSF activities to assist migrants and refugees in Bani Walid region and in detention centres located in Khoms and Misrata, he shares his analysis of current situation.
- 15 May 2018