3692 Results

Threats of border closure between Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan.

Thousands of lives at stake if Syrian-Iraq Kurdistan border closes for Humanitarian Aid
Press Release - 2 Nov 2017
Hepatitis C

Hepatitis: Not even close

While advances in treatment offer new hope for millions of people living with hepatitis C, only a paltry fraction of people can access treatment; government inaction and industry profits continue to stand in their way. Report - 2 Nov 2017
Hepatitis E

Niger: Preventing the spread of hepatitis E

The spread of hepatitis E in Niger’s Diffa region has slowed since MSF began detecting and treating cases in early 2017.
Latest News - 1 Nov 2017
Hepatitis E

Preventing the spread of hepatitis E in Niger

MSF has been responding since early 2017 to a hepatitis E outbreak in Diffa, Niger, where over 247,000 people are displaced owing to conflict in the region.
Videos and Photos - 1 Nov 2017

Yemen: MSF reduces its cholera response as admissions drop

The number of cholera cases reported in MSF treatment centres has significantly decreased since the peak of the outbreak, according to MSF.
Press Release - 31 Oct 2017

DRC: Urgent need for aid in the rural areas of Kasai

After a year in hiding, destitute returnees are left to cope on their own
Press Release - 30 Oct 2017
Drug-resistant TB

The global report on tuberculosis from the World Health Organisation

MSF's response to the World Health Organization Global Tuberculosis Report
Press Release - 30 Oct 2017

DRC: “Months later, they still can’t remove the bloodstains from the soil”

MSF emergency coordinator Jean-Pierre Amigo, just back from Kasai province, describes burned villages, mass graves and a woman’s abandoned suitcase.
- 30 Oct 2017

Kenya President Election re-run: MSF calls for safe access to the wounded by medical teams

 MSF offers assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation in Kenya
Press Release - 27 Oct 2017

Dominique Mukunzi: “MSF helped me when I was in need”

Once an MSF beneficiary, a Rwandan pharmacist now finds satisfaction helping others in desperate need of care. He shares his motivation for doing humanitarian work
Patient and Staff Stories - 27 Oct 2017