3692 Results
Mental Health

EU Border polices fuel mental health crisis for asylum seekers

MSF calls on authorities to immediately relocate asylum seekers to the Greek mainland.
Press Release - 11 Oct 2017
Mental Health

“I am shocked by Europe"

- 11 Oct 2017
Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis

MDR-TB drugs cover less than 5% in need

Slow scale-up of newer MDR-TB drugs covers less than 5% in need.
Report - 11 Oct 2017
Mental Health

Confronting the mental health emergency on Samos and Lesvos.

Why the containment of asylum seekers on the Greek islands must end.
Report - 11 Oct 2017
Mental Health

Healing minds - MSF and mental health around the world

Videos and Photos - 10 Oct 2017

How to Build a Field Hospital

Building a field hospital in a refugee camp or other displacement setting is extremely challenging. Teams get creative to move essential supplies and use local resources.
Videos and Photos - 9 Oct 2017

Rohingyas in Bangladesh: “If this is the better option, the other must have been a living hell”

"Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of people crammed along a narrow peninsula trying to find what shelter they can." 
Patient and Staff Stories - 6 Oct 2017
Mental Health

DRC: “There is no health without mental health”

MSF staff in Democratic Republic of Congo are living through the same trauma as their patients
- 6 Oct 2017

Rohingyas in Bangladesh: “People have lost everything”

Dr. Konstantin Hanke was Medical Activities Manager at the MSF medical facility in Kutupalong, Bangladesh. From the German city of Munich, Dr. Hanke worked in Kutupalong from early January until 2 October.
Patient and Staff Stories - 5 Oct 2017