3692 Results

South Sudan: As rains begin, an urgent need to prepare for malaria

Hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan are at risk of contracting malaria in the coming months.
Latest News - 13 Jul 2017

Malaria: empowering the communities to bring the treatment closer to patients

MSF sets up community advanced malaria posts or “CMAP” during the rainy season in Agok.
Latest News - 13 Jul 2017
Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Sexual and Gender based Violence against young people in Haiti

Reports of Sexual and Gender-based Violence is alarmingly high in Haiti, yet it is still overlooked 
Latest News - 13 Jul 2017
Central African Republic

Baby dies after armed men storm a hospital in CAR

Armed men shot a young child in the head after opening fire on her family on Tuesday 11 July in a medical facility in Zemio, Central African Republic.
Press Release - 12 Jul 2017

Yemen: "Some of these families have been displaced two or three times already."

MSF project coordinator Roger Gutiérrez is just back from seven months in Abs, where he helped re-establish health services after the town’s hospital was hit by an airstrike in August 2016.
Patient and Staff Stories - 11 Jul 2017

Yemen: “The cholera catastrophe is a warning call in a neglected crisis.”

MSF’s Ruth Conde describes her team’s efforts to avert the impending catastrophe of cholera.
Patient and Staff Stories - 11 Jul 2017

Yemen: Urgent need for improved water and sanitation to curb cholera in Abs region.

An urgent scale-up of aid is needed in the northern district of Abs, the area worst affected by Yemen’s cholera outbreak, according to international medical organisation Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
Press Release - 11 Jul 2017

Nigeria: On the move and unable to move because of the conflict

Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the conflict between Boko Haram and the Nigerian armed forces in the northeast of the country.
Latest News - 10 Jul 2017