3692 Results
South Sudan

Allen Magugu: “MSF’s priority is always the patient”

Seven months in South Sudan gets a first-time fieldworker from Zimbabwe to see how the principles of MSF come to life.
Fieldworkers Stories - 7 Jul 2017

Ten Ways We Travel To Reach Our Patients

Videos and Photos - 7 Jul 2017

Lessons learned during the latest Ebola outbreak

MSF shares lessons learned from this first occurrence of the deadly virus since the end of the large-scale Ebola outbreak that devastated West Africa in 2014-2015.
Latest News - 7 Jul 2017

DRC: MSF provides emergency medical care in conflict-affected Kasai region

In response to the conflict in the Greater Kasai region in the Democratic Republic of Congo, MSF has provided free emergency and routine medical care to 4,200 patients in and around Kananga city and in Tshikapa.
Latest News - 6 Jul 2017

South Sudan: Malnutrition on the rise in Pibor

The number of children suffering from acute malnutrition in the areas surrounding Pibor, South Sudan, has trebled compared to this time last year, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said today.
Latest News - 6 Jul 2017

Iraq: Scores of War-Wounded in West Mosul

Extreme levels of conflict and violence in the besieged city of Mosul - including airstrikes, bombardment, suicide attacks and gunshots - are taking a devastating toll on residents of the embattled Old City.
Press Release - 5 Jul 2017

A difficult journey of healing for war-wounded residents in Mosul

Many men, women, and children still suffer from months-old and partially healed trauma injuries sustained over nine months of conflict creating a vital need for access to post-operative care, rehabilitation, secondary surgeries and other forms of follow-up care.
Patient and Staff Stories - 4 Jul 2017

CAR: Zemio, a new town under fire

Intense fighting has reached the town of Zemio, who had been relatively spared from the recent conflict. The violence has displaced between 15,000 and 20,000 people.
Press Release - 4 Jul 2017

MSF: HIV response will not succeed in West and Central Africa if key barriers remain unaddressed

MSF reiterates its call for a clear roadmap and strong political commitment, towards removing longstanding barriers and implementing proven simplified strategies that will boost lifesaving treatment for 4.7 million living with HIV not yet accessing antiretroviral therapy (ART).
Press Release - 3 Jul 2017