3692 Results
Advanced HIV patient lying on a cloth on the ground
Activity Report

Reaching Closer to Home (FRENCH)

Progress implementing community-based and other adherence strategies supporting people on HIV treatment. Experiences from DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa & Zimbabwe.
Report - 7 Jul 2016

Untangling the Web of antiretroviral price reductions

Untangling the Web of Antireroviral Price Reductions - 18th Edition – July 2016
Report - 7 Jul 2016
Mobile HAT Team Bili
Access to Healthcare

Community Health Agents Programme

MSF’s Dr Vivian Cox explains the value of the CHAPS programme, and Babongile explains how people value the service she’s providing.
Videos and Photos - 7 Jul 2016
HIV program in Ndhiwa sub-county, Homa Bay

Male Medical Circumcision

MSF’s Deputy Field Co-ordinator Musa Ndlovu and Dr Vivian Cox explains why this service is an essential tool in stopping the spread of HIV in Southern Africa. Medical circumcision has been shown to decrease the chances of HIV infection by up to 60%.
Videos and Photos - 7 Jul 2016
Malawi - HIV Treatment Thyolo District

Adherence Clubs

Stable HIV+ patients in Eshowe, KwaZulu-Natal, explain how MSF’s Adherence Club model is helping them to stay on treatment and MSF counsellors explain the conditions of membership to this innovative community-based model of care.
Videos and Photos - 7 Jul 2016

India must defend medicines lifeline for Africa

During Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first state visit to South Africa, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) urges the Indian government to safeguard its role in supplying affordable, generic medicines. 
Press Release - 6 Jul 2016

Empty Shelves Come Back Tomorrow: ARV stockouts undermine efforts to fight HIV

ARV stock outs negatively constrain patients’ ability to consistently adhere to their medication in sub-Saharan Africa. Whilst UNAIDS recommends doubling the number of people on ART within five years, ARV stock outs due to supply chains that do not ‘deliver’ up to the patient level are major obstacles to reaching the worldwide 90-90-90 goals.
Briefing Document - 6 Jul 2016

Empty Shelves Come Back Tomorrow: ARV stockouts undermine efforts to fight HIV (FRENCH)

ARV stock outs negatively constrain patients’ ability to consistently adhere to their medication in sub-Saharan Africa. Whilst UNAIDS recommends doubling the number of people on ART within five years, ARV stock outs due to supply chains that do not ‘deliver’ up to the patient level are major obstacles to reaching the worldwide 90-90-90 goals.
Briefing Document - 6 Jul 2016
Mariupol mobile clinics

Eastern Ukraine: “We are lost here and very scared”

It’s been more than two years since conflict erupted in eastern Ukraine, yet thousands of forgotten victims remain left behind.

Latest News - 5 Jul 2016

Movie: Not A Target

State and non-state actors publicly and concretely recommit to respecting the protection of impartial provision of health care in conflict. Whenever and wherever an attack on health care occurs, enact an impartial and independent fact finding mechanism. Watch the Not A Target full movie.
Videos and Photos - 4 Jul 2016